You're reading: Daily Digest: Top news of Tuesday, Feb. 12

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National News 

  • The CEO of Ukrainian energy giant Naftogaz says his company’s achievements are under attack. Andriy Kobolyev told the Kyiv Post in an exclusive interview that he fears the enterprise will return to its “darkest times” because of current political demands that undermine its independence and restrict the authority of the company’s supervisory board. If such political interference returns, Kobolyev says “everything that has been achieved so far can be destroyed.”
  • Police are investigating a Gandziuk case activist who allegedly offered money for personal information on their officers. The National Police have opened a criminal investigation into an alleged offer by an activist to pay for information about the police officers who on Feb. 10 were shown beating a group of protesters in Kyiv.
  • The legal case around the attempted dismissal of Acting Health Minister Ulana Suprun remains stalled, endangering the supply of medicines, Suprun’s supporters have said. The Kyiv District Administrative Court on Feb. 12 again failed to issue a ruling on the case of Suprun, who is challenging a suit to strip her of her ministerial powers.
  • A Taras Shevchenko exhibition has taken over a Kyiv metro station. The capital’s Taras Shevchenko metro station is for one month hosting an exhibition of posters featuring the iconic Ukrainian poet in a number of modern guises – from Darth Vader to the Statue of Liberty.

Russia’s War Against Ukraine

  • The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry has said that Russia is manipulating the United Nations Security Council, using it to unfairly reproach and condemn Ukraine on a stage where it cannot easily respond.
  • About 500,000 children in Ukraine’s eastern Donbas region are in need of urgent protection and humanitarian assistance because of the ongoing conflict, a recent UNICEF report concluded.

Business and Technology News

  • The IMF is advising Ukraine to focus on land reform and privatization, saying that these are the country’s most promising sectors in terms of investment inflow.
  • The country’s finance ministry is discussing the raising of financing with G7 countries, Ukrainian Finance Minister Oksana Markarova has said. “We are now actively working on lending, attracting resources from international financial institutions and potential bilateral lending,” she said at the Annual Ukraine Investor Conference organized by Dragon Capital in Kyiv on Feb. 12.
  • Ukraine will repair and service Boeing aircraft. Ukraine’s state-owned enterprise Civil Aviation Plant 410 has already started providing services on repair and maintenance of aviation equipment, according to the news portal Ukrainian Military Pages.
  • Ukraine will issue debt under World Bank guarantees by the end of February. Kyiv plans to issue some of its sovereign debt with World Bank guarantees before the month ends, Finance Minister Oksana Markarova told reporters after a conference on Feb. 12.

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