Articles by Ilya Timtchenko

Ilya Timtchenko: Ukraine’s debt problem spells trouble

Ilya Timtchenko: As Biden takes office, more political chaos to be expected in Ukraine

2 months before US elections, Ukraine delegation heads to DC


Ilya Timtchenko: Ukraine’s richest should learn how to give, but most likely won’t

Will Andrii Ovsiienko defend justice or corruption?

Taylor, Tefft and Volker talk about Ukraine’s 29 years of independence

Ilya Timtchenko: Which way will Ukraine swing?

Ilya Timtchenko: Ukraine’s lack of leadership is costing lives

Ilya Timtchenko: From virtual candidate to compromised president

Ilya Timtchenko: After coronavirus – how to get Ukraine working again

Francis Fukuyama: ‘Ukraine should grow an economy outside of oligarchs’ purview’

Olga Trofimtseva: ‘Ukraine should be switching to value-added agriculture’

Ilya Timtchenko: Ukrainians should be as demanding of Zelenskiy as they were of Poroshenko

Kyiv court rules PrivatBank nationalization illegal, central bank to appeal (UPDATED)

Ilya Timtchenko: Daunting work in Ukraine’s economy

Kyiv Post launches first independent law firm ranking in Ukraine

Turkish construction firm stays put after 15 years

Ilya Timtchenko: Playing with half-truths is a dangerous game

Infrastructure Minister Volodymyr Omelyan highlights key priorities for 2019 (VIDEO)

Innovation & infrastructure: How Ukraine moves ahead

Ilya Timtchenko: It doesn’t take much for Russia to hurt Ukraine’s economy

Ukraine still stuck with land-sales moratorium

Ilya Timtchenko: Kyiv should learn from Budapest

Pifer says US-Ukraine relations in good shape

CEO Watch: PwC Ukraine’s 2nd manager in 2 years ready for challenge

EBRD on banking sector: ‘The bad guys are gone’

World in Ukraine: Left-wing German lawmaker Stefan Liebich says his party is not pro-Putin

Bono: Vaccine for corruption is transparency, democracy

YES 2018: Herbst says Kremlin likely to interfere in Ukraine’s elections

YES 2018: US elites talk Trump, their country’s future

YES 2018: Russia ‘a challenging scenario’ says NATO’s Alvargonzalez

China’s grand investments are tempting for Ukraine

Chinese Ambassador to Ukraine Du Wei: Sanctions don’t work

Hanna Hopko: Ukraine, West Must Do More To Stop Kremlin Threat

Firefly looks to bolster aerospace ties with US, investing in Ukraine for the long-haul

Sweden’s H&M to open first store in Kyiv Aug. 18, second store to open in October

Ukraine’s first foreign agribusiness sells its assets

Top US official: We support Ukraine’s energy security, oppose Nord Stream 2

Renault considers manufacturing cars in Ukraine

No longer a minister, but still very much involved

Business associations, investors call on lawmakers to secure next IMF tranche before July …

OECD’s Kiviniemi: Ukraine needs to speed up pace of economic change

World in Ukraine: Ukraine, Canada starting to benefit from free trade

Swedish business in Ukraine on upswing

Westinghouse seeks bigger share of nuclear fuel supply

Norway: Ukraine should show progress with anti-corruption court by end of June

CEO Watch: French executive gets ready for car market acceleration

Denmark’s BIIR, upbeat after court win, plans to open office in capital

KPMG report: Ukraine’s M&A market showing signs of rebound ahead

CEO Watch: PwC faces tough year in Ukraine

France wants to see Ukraine prosper, get rid of corruption

Ukraine’s unclear visa rules confuse those who want to invest

US Senator Portman: America supports Ukraine, but more progress needed in fighting …

Anti-Monopoly Committee head going after big players, starting to get results with tough …

Ukraine and Israel complete free trade talks, to sign agreement in coming months

Much work to be done to up Ukrainian exports

Vox Populi: Is Ukraine’s investment climate improving?

Poroshenko: Ukrainian exports to Austria increased by 48 percent in 2017

Poroshenko signs breakthrough law on limited liability companies

Poroshenko signs law on privatization, says Russian money will not be involved

EBRD to pump up to $32 million into developing Ukraine’s solar energy

Low wages and unpredictability driving Ukraine’s brain drain (INFOGRAPHICS)

Kovaliv: Stick to IMF program and liberalize the market