Articles by Anders Aslund

How Biden Can Help Zelensky

“This Man Cannot Stay in Power!”

Putin’s End Game in Ukraine


Європа може перемогти в газовій війні Путіна, але має засвоїти уроки “Північного потоку”

يمكن لأوروبا أن تكسب حرب الغاز التي يشنها بوتين وضرورة أن تتعلم دروس “السيل الشمالي”

Про Кучму, Сороса та революції. Три десятиліття України моїми очима

Russia’s invasion has highlighted Ukraine’s nation-building progress

Ukraine Needs More Financial Support

Чому Путін зазнає поразки в Україні

لماذا يخسر بوتين في أوكرانيا

Why Putin Is Losing in Ukraine

Russia’s War on Global Food Security

حرب روسيا على الأمن الغذائي العالمي

كيفية إعادة بناء أوكرانيا

How to Rebuild Ukraine  

Possible Consequences of the Defeat of Putin

ما الذي يحدث بالفعل في الكرملين؟

What Is Really Going on in the Kremlin?

Western Advocates of Appeasement Need Crash Course in Putinology

What the West Should Learn from Its Mistakes with Putin since 2007

Latest Thoughts on Putin, his war against Ukraine, and the general context

Military Losses In War On Ukraine Pushing Russia To Becoming Failed State

Thoughts on Putin and his war against Ukraine

Is Ukraine Finally Coming Together?

Putin Has Seriously Wounded Ukraine’s Economy Without Firing A Single Shot

Retired Russian Generals Criticize Putin Over Ukraine

How the European Union Has Made Itself Irrelevant in Ukraine

What Ukraine Needs to Do about Economic Policy in 2022

Op-Ed: Biden Needs to Continue Standing up to Putin

Anders Aslund: Ukraine must connect to EU grid

Anders Aslund: US and EU must react to escalating global energy crisis

Anders Åslund: How American kleptocracy works

Anders Åslund: Ukraine flirts with disastrous return to gas price caps

Anders Aslund: How sustainable is the Belarusian economy?

Anders Aslund: World Bank’s ‘Doing Business Index’ must be protected

Anders Aslund: The case for stronger Russia sanctions

Anders Aslund: Putin’s dangerous Ukraine narrative

Anders Aslund: Ukraine’s Russia sanctions target Putin’s inner circle

Anders Åslund: Will corruption sink EU convergence?

Anders Aslund: What will the impact be if Nord Stream 2 is completed?

Anders Aslund: Russia’s bear economy

Anders Åslund: Corporate governance crisis continues at Ukraine’s state-owned enterprises

Anders Åslund, Benjamin Schmitt: Biden must persuade Germany and Austria to stop the …

Anders Aslund: Potemkin Putin

Anders Aslund: How to rethink Russia sanctions

Anders Aslund: IMF puts Ukraine on pause over corruption concerns

Anders Aslund, Daniel Fried: Navalny’s arrest is Biden’s first big test

Anders Åslund: US sanctions Giuliani-linked Ukrainians over Russian bid to influence 2020 …

Anders Åslund: What is Ukraine’s economic outlook for 2021?

Anders Aslund: No IMF funding for Ukraine until Zelensky earns trust

Anders Aslund: How to combat Putin’s financial aggression

Anders Aslund: Putin’s Karabakh victory sparks alarm in Ukraine

Anders Aslund: Why a Biden presidency is very good news for Ukraine

Anders Aslund: Zelensky vows to thwart Kremlin counter-revolution

Anders Aslund: After local elections, Zelensky fairytale is over

Anders Aslund: Ukraine’s reforms in doubt as political climate changes

Anders Aslund: The West finally imposes sanctions on Belarus

Anders Aslund: This is no way to run a railway

Anders Aslund: Sanctions against Belarus must also target Russia

Anders Åslund: Putin poised to buy Belarus

Anders Aslund: Russia’s aggression can and should cost Putin dearly

Anders Aslund: Can Lukashenka survive a collapsing currency?

Anders Aslund: Belarus urgently needs European mediation