Articles by Mariana Antonovych

Finance Ministry pushes better auditing practices

Kyiv Post Employment Fair gives boost to job seekers

Prosecutors stall criminal justice reform


Ukraine struggles to put an end to prosecutorial tyranny

Putting an end to Ukraine’s corrupt public procurement system

Vox Populi: What do you think about Russia’s war in Syria and what are the implications …

Reform Watch – Oct. 1, 2015

Ukraine expands trade with China, arranges winter gas supplies

Experts blame president, government for sabotage of civil service bill

Poroshenko puts brake on long-overdue civil service reforms

Rada unblocks operation of National Anti-Corruption Bureau

​Backers hope new public procurement bill will cut corruption, red tape

Reform Watch – Sept. 10, 2015

EBRD remains a believer in Ukrainian investment

Ukraine accepts jurisdiction of International Criminal Court

​Government will allocate Hr 10 billion for more than 12.5 million of Ukrainian citizens

Investors dissatisfied with slow pace of reforms in Ukraine

Civic activists, lawyers say proposed constitutional changes to judiciary don’t go far …

Constitution, civil service reform, budget are at top of agenda for lawmakers starting …

Reform Watch – Aug. 14, 2015

Minister: Roads will improve as Ukravtodor’s role is diminished

Lawmaker from Yatsenyuk’s party accused of wresting distillery from French company

Ukraine’s Football Federation teams up with law enforcement to red-card corruption

Constitutional Court approves Poroshenko’s controversial decentralization plan

Central bank widens road for cross-border e-commerce

Justice Ministry’s Vyshnevsky says Ukraine bar association stalling judicial reform

Ukraine’s Justice Ministry outlaws Communists from elections

Reform Watch – July 24, 2015

Experts: Parliament needs to review coalition agreement and prioritize

Critics say new election law doesn’t advance democracy

Parliament passes law granting more local authority

Reform watch – July 17, 2015

Court acquits ex-university president Melnyk of bribery

Experts: Ukraine’s energy efficiency reforms to target consumers, suppliers and government

Reform Watch – July 10

Parliament is on way to make all property registers public, improve register on corrupt …

Parliament adopts radical loan conversion law

Reform watch – July 3, 2015

Ukraine’s ombudsman calls on parliament to respect law, speaks of possible extension of …

Volunteer groups spring up to provide medical care at war front

Yurydychna Gazeta names best lawyers by area of expertise

Only baby steps are being taken to create independent, impartial judges for Ukraine

Shklyar: Ukraine looks for private sector help in enforcing court orders, judgements

Reform Watch – June 25, 2015

Experts: Despite legislative improvements, risks remain for honest public procurement of …

Reform Watch – June 19, 2015

Ukraine’s Constitutional Court approves parliamentary bill limiting legal immunity

Reform Watch – June 12, 2015

Thomas Grant: Ukraine has to craft a more comprehensive strategy to get Crimea back

Odesa military commissar suspected of taking bribes so conscripts can evade military …

Reform Watch: Andriy Andrushkiv says Ukraine’s politicians stall reforms in bid to …

Vox Populi with Mariana Antonovych: Did Russia’s war against Ukraine change your …

Delays stymie work of High Council of Justice

Reform Watch

Issues close to home for Ukrainian law students at 2015 Jessup moot court

Ex-Kyiv administrator facing trial in violent breakup of EuroMaidan demonstrators, denies …

Top investigator says Interpol’s inaction thwarts cases against Yanukovych allies

Private sector joins forces with Foreign Ministry to promote investment abroad

IT industry needs less rules, more red tape cut

Kasko blames investigative agencies in failures of international cooperation

Legal clinics grow in popularity, providing pro bono advice to poor people

Degree of immunity is at center of debate over lawmakers’ privileges

European Court of Human Rights loaded with Ukraine cases