Kerch Strait Attack
Nov. 27 2018, 1:49 am
If Russia wages all-out war, non-NATO member Ukraine is on its own
BRUSSELS – After almost five years of Russian war against Ukraine, tensions are higher after Russian Coast Guard ships on Nov. 25 attacked and then …
Iryna Somer
Nov. 26 2018, 10:39 pm
Parliament approves martial law in 10 oblasts for 30 days
Ukraine’s parliament approved late on Nov. 26 the imposition of 30 days of martial law in 10 oblasts located on the Russian border, the border with …
Oksana Grytsenko
Nov. 26 2018, 10:01 pm
As conflict with Russia escalates, Ukraine finds itself vulnerable at sea
The focus of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine has effectively shifted from the frontline on land in the Donbas to the expanses of the Azov and …
Illia Ponomarenko
Nov. 26 2018, 10:00 pm
Herbst says Russia wants to provoke Ukraine as excuse for more military action
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine John Herbst believes that the attack by Russian forces against Ukrainian Navy vessels on Nov. 25 …
Askold Krushelnycky
Nov. 26 2018, 7:51 pm
Ukrainian-Russian conflict over Crimea and Azov Sea has long history
Russian coastguards attacked and seized two Ukrainian patrol boats and a military tug heading from Odesa to the port of Mariupol on the Azov Sea coast …
Veronika Melkozerova
Nov. 26 2018, 5:50 pm
Kremlin propaganda stokes anti-Ukrainian hysteria over Kerch incident
Kremlin propagandists have accused Ukraine of “aggression” after Russia attacked and seized three Ukrainian naval vessels on Nov. 25 after they tried …
Oleg Sukhov
Nov. 26 2018, 4:53 pm
Russia’s attack in Black Sea, as it happened (EXPLAINER)
This is a point-by-point summary of what we know about the incident in the Black Sea that took place on Nov. 25. What happened? Russian Coast Guard …
Olga Rudenko
Nov. 26 2018, 4:06 pm
Martial law: Few changes for military, many implications for elections
Ukraine’s parliament will debate the imposition of martial law at a closed session at 4 p.m. Kyiv time on Nov. 26 – a measure proposed in the early …
Oksana Grytsenko
Nov. 26 2018, 12:37 pm
Ukraine’s allies slam Russia’s attacks on Ukraine off Crimean cost
Some of Ukraine’s key international allies rallied behind the country on Nov. 26 after attacks on and the seizure of Ukrainian Navy vessels trying to …
Jack Laurenson
Nov. 26 2018, 12:59 am
From the archives: Recent Kyiv Post coverage of Russia’s threats in Black and Azov seas
Tensions have been building since spring over the Russian military’s aggressive posture towards Ukraine in the Azov Sea, a body of water the two …
Kyiv Post
Nov. 26 2018, 12:43 am
UPDATE: What martial law in Ukraine could mean for nation
Editor’s Note: This article has been updated to clarify some probable and potential effects of martial law. During an emergency meeting of the …
Matthew Kupfer
Nov. 25 2018, 9:34 pm
Poroshenko urges parliament to approve martial law today after Russia attacks in Kerch Strait
At an emergency meeting late on the night of Nov. 25, the Military Cabinet passed a resolution to impose a martial law in Ukraine in the wake of an …
Bermet Talant
Nov. 25 2018, 3:47 pm
Russia blocks Kerch Strait after its coast guard ship rams Ukrainian tugboat in Kerch Strait
Russia has closed off the Kerch Strait – the strait connecting the Black Sea and Azov Sea – for non-military ships in retaliation to what the Kremlin …
Bermet Talant
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