Articles by Taras Kuzio

Taras Kuzio in 2016: Poroshenko will be seen as ‘failed leader’; all his prosecutors …

Taras Kuzio: Why pro-Russian candidates won’t win Ukraine’s 2019 elections

Taras Kuzio: What would a Tymoshenko presidency mean?


Taras Kuzio: Why I support Poroshenko’s reelection

Taras Kuzio: Ukraine’s populists push through anti-IMF yet pro-EU message

Taras Kuzio: How Ukraine can avoid disaster in 2019

Taras Kuzio: Orthodox church split just tip of Putin’s crumbling ‘soft power’ in Ukraine

Taras Kuzio: Poroshenko has achieved a second independence from Russia

Taras Kuzio: Anti-war populism is set to dominate the 2019 elections

Taras Kuzio: Why pro-Russian forces in Ukraine have got a tiny shot at victory

Taras Kuzio: Why independence for Ukraine’s Orthodox Church is an earthquake for Putin

Taras Kuzio: Ukrainian party attitudes to Putin and Russia

Taras Kuzio: Are opinion polls a guide to elections? Well, no

Taras Kuzio: Let’s first clean up our own house

Taras Kuzio: Two ways the West enables corruption in Ukraine

Taras Kuzio: US law firms, political consultants helped Yanukovych and allies impose …

Taras Kuzio: A multidimensional approach to corruption in Ukraine is needed

Taras Kuzio: Inconvenient facts – Putin’s war is killing Russian speakers

Taras Kuzio: Taruta, Tymoshenko and Ukrainian fake news in Washington, D.C.

Taras Kuzio: Why it was right to deport Saakashvilli from Ukraine

Taras Kuzio: ‘Ukraine fatigue’ in Washington is not warranted

Taras Kuzio: Five reasons why reform is not dead in Ukraine

Taras Kuzio: What do Russians think of Ukrainians, and vice versa?

Taras Kuzio: The Trump campaign and Putin’s agents of influence

Taras Kuzio: NATO’s double standards – Why Montenegro but not Ukraine?

Taras Kuzio: Why are Russian opposition leaders democrats at home and imperialists abroad?

Taras Kuzio: View from Washington says no to Ukraine’s old guard, yes to new faces in …

Taras Kuzio: Why we continue to misunderstand Putin’s war in Ukraine

Taras Kuzio: Three ways the West can get tougher on Russia for Crimea land grab

Taras Kuzio: Conflict in eastern Ukraine is war of national liberation

Taras Kuzio: Poroshenko should stop calling Russia’s war an ‘ATO’

Taras Kuzio: How Poroshenko and Trump can become strategic partners

Taras Kuzio: Incompetence in Ukraine’s foreign policy represents threat to national …

Taras Kuzio: Victor Pinchuk shows why it is wrong to trust oligarchs

Taras Kuzio: A kleptocratic coalition of clans has captured the Ukrainian state

Taras Kuzio: Why you shouldn’t fly with Ukraine International Airlines

Taras Kuzio: Seven reasons why a Trump reset with Russia will fail

Taras Kuzio: The Ukrainian diaspora as a recipient of oligarchic cash

Taras Kuzio: Lawyers and guns – dirty Ukrainian money in the US

Taras Kuzio: Two myths about nationalism and anti-Semitism in Ukraine

Taras Kuzio: In memory of Orest Subtelny

Taras Kuzio: A real House of Cards – Trump, Putin and Yanukovych

Taras Kuzio: Ukrainian authorities will not successfully investigate assassination of …

Taras Kuzio: ​Is Ukraine really winning the ‘information war’ with Russia?

Taras Kuzio: Ukraine’s fog of war

Taras Kuzio: When an academic ignores inconvenient facts

Taras Kuzio: Nadiya Savchenko – the new factor in Ukrainian politics

Taras Kuzio: De-oligarchization is central to the success of reforms in Ukraine

Taras Kuzio: Ukraine’s revolution fatigue – Poroshenko repeats mistakes of Yushchenko

Jan Germen Janmaat and Taras Kuzio: The no camp in Netherlands resorts to stereotypes, …

Taras Kuzio: Who committed treason in Ukraine?

Taras Kuzio: Ukraine’s oligarchic counter-revolution

Taras Kuzio: Kyiv’s two-front war

Taras Kuzio: Political repression and Ukrainophobia in Putin’s Russia

Taras Kuzio: Respect needs to be earned

Taras Kuzio: Karatnycky resumes his apologia

Taras Kuzio: Ukraine in 2016 – good news and bad news

Taras Kuzio: Euromaidan dreams deferred

Taras Kuzio: The Holodomor – Why the West must push back against Putin’s version of …

Taras Kuzio: Money still rules Ukraine

Taras Kuzio: Ukraine’s citizens have defeated Putin’s ‘New Russia’ – now Poroshenko must …

Taras Kuzio: ‘Crime continues to pay in Ukraine’

Taras Kuzio: Austria’s ruling means Ukraine will remain a country where crime pays