Articles by Mark Adomanis

Mark Adomanis: Russians are facing a stark choice

Mark Adomanis: Left wing economic views are alive and well in Ukraine

Mark Adomanis: Stagnation rearing its ugly head in Russia


Mark Adomanis: Time is not on Ukraine’s side

Mark Adomanis: The International Republican Institute just released a fascinating poll on …

Mark Adomanis: Ukraine doesn’t need sympathy, it needs cash

Mark Adomanis: Jewish emigration from Ukraine and Russia is surging

Mark Adomanis: Many Western firms are still cautiously optimistic about the Russian market

Mark Adomanis: George Soros’ plan to rescue Ukraine isn’t going to work

Mark Adomanis: Russia is still Ukraine’s largest trading partner

Mark Adomanis: Russia doesn’t need luck, just better policy

Mark Adomanis: Europe’s Russia policy pleases nobody

Mark Adomanis: Excerpts from Putin’s latest interview

Mark Adomanis: Fighting dirty in Russia’s information war

Mark Adomanis: Ukraine’s poverty jeopardizes its democracy

Mark Adomanis: West needs to put up or shut up about Ukraine

Mark Adomanis: Ukraine Crisis has strengthened Kremlin

Mark Adomanis: Ukrainians still don’t want to join NATO

Mark Adomanis: Why military aid to Ukraine won’t accomplish anything in one chart

Mark Adomanis: The West needs to start facing facts in Ukraine

Mark Adomanis: There are no good options in Ukraine, but a guerrilla war would be the …

Mark Adomanis: An American ‘RT’ wouldn’t sway Russians

Mark Adomanis: Russia’s food ban is high-risk, low-reward

Mark Adomanis: Three things Barack Obama got wrong about Russia

Mark Adomanis: The nation accuses Ukraine of plotting to seize its own territory

Mark Adomanis: The US should not try to pick winners and losers in Russia’s political …

Mark Adomanis: Ukraine may defeat the rebels but that won’t solve most of its problems

Mark Adomanis: Without EU cash, Russian business is sunk

Mark Adomanis: It’s not just about the Malaysian flight, Russians are living in an …

Mark Adomanis: For better or worse, Russia is not isolated

Mark Adomanis: The past 18 years of Russian politics in one chart

Mark Adomanis: Today’s EU doesn’t have room for Ukraine

Mark Adomanis: Sorry Garry Kasparov, you can’t blame Iraq on Vladimir Putin

Mark Adomanis: On all of the important questions Ukraine is still extremely divided

Mark Adomanis: Is the crisis in Ukraine the new normal?