Articles by Timothy Ash

Frozen Russian Assets Have to be used for Ukraine Reconstruction

It’s Costing Peanuts for the US to Defeat Russia

Midterms Don’t Change The Calculus On Arming Ukraine


Ukraine – How to Fund Reconstruction

Російська армія на межі катастрофи?

Are Russian Forces on Brink of Collapse?

Putin is on the back foot in Ukraine, again

Ukraine – to default or not 

هل ستضطر أوكرانيا للتخلف عن السداد؟

Turkey – Time to Choose Sides in Ukraine War

Russia – The Neighbours Are Worried

Ukraine: How to Pay for The War

Grain Corridor Hopes Appear Unrealistic

Russia – Is the Ruble Rally a Cause For Optimism? Hardly 

Economist Timothy Ash’s Q&A on economic perspectives of Russia’s invasion

Germany Owes Ukraine  

Ukraine has bright recovery prospects – While Putin take Russia into a decade of darkness

Ukraine Q&A

Timothy Ash: All eyes on Ukraine

Timothy Ash: Ukraine’s bad week for reform

Timothy Ash: Europe’s long, cold winter ahead

Timothy Ash: Biden shouldn’t give Zelensky a pass on Ukrainian corruption

Timothy Ash: Biden doesn’t understand damage he’s done

Timothy Ash: Biden’s moves in Afghanistan

Timothy Ash: US policy on Russia is wrong and failing

Timothy Ash: Putin’s post-summit tumble

Timothy Ash: Ukrainian complacency amid rising debt

Timothy Ash: No game-changing summit likely

Timothy Ash: Disaster ahead for Ukraine in Biden-Putin meeting?

Timothy Ash: Big Western missteps in Ukraine

Rupinder Singh, Timothy Ash: Belarus and economic sanctions

Timothy Ash: Making sense of Ukraine today

Timothy Ash: Tightening the screws on Lukashenko — and Putin too

Timothy Ash: No such thing as free money

Timothy Ash: Russian threat remains

Timothy Ash: Putin’s next move

Timothy Ash: Insane weekend around Russia

Timothy Ash: A gradual tightening of economic noose around Russia

Timothy Ash: What does Putin want?

Timothy Ash: West dithers as Russia’s war claims more Ukrainian lives

Timothy Ash: Sanctioning Russian sovereign debt is the next logical step

Timothy Ash: Ukraine’s central bank backtracks on reform

Timothy Ash: Let’s see what Biden is made of

Timothy Ash: Does Ukraine need the IMF? (VIDEO)

Timothy Ash: Change in National Bank of Ukraine culture

Timothy Ash: Will US sanction Russian sovereign debt, ban investment?

Timothy Ash: How to stop Russian money laundering

Timothy Ash: Biden, failing first test on Ukraine, green-lights Nord Stream 2

Timothy Ash: Biden MIA on Ukraine

Timothy Ash: Zelensky takes decisive action in Ukraine

Timothy Ash: Gas-price cap looks bad for Ukraine

Timothy Ash: Biden might still win, and then what?

Timothy Ash: It’s make or break time for Zelensky’s presidency

Timothy Ash: Zelensky comes out fighting, but is it too late?

Timothy Ash: What would a Biden presidency mean?

Timothy Ash: Ukraine not even close to meeting IMF requirements

Timothy Ash: A Q&A about developments in Turkey

Timothy Ash: Seismic developments in Ukraine

Timothy Ash: Ukraine – a wake-up call?

Timothy Ash: US election risks for Ukraine and other emerging markets

Timothy Ash: IMF will go slow on additional lending to Ukraine

Timothy Ash: 6 rules for fighting COVID-19

Timothy Ash: Belarus is not Armenia, Ukraine or Russia