Articles by George Woloshyn

Putin’s Losing Hand

Why to Attack Ukraine Again Would be a Monumental Folly for Putin

George Woloshyn: Counselor, get real!


George Woloshyn: Biden’s choice for secretary of state

George Woloshyn: Why Ukrainians should vote Republican (Part 2)

George Woloshyn: Why Ukrainian Americans should vote Republican

George Woloshyn: Clearing the cobwebs from the Budapest Memorandum

George Woloshyn: Will Ukraine’s land sale law be a boom or bust?

George Woloshyn: Zelensky’s road to capitulation

George Woloshyn: Ukraine’s nuclear option

George Woloshyn: Zelensky and the tank factory

George Woloshyn: New Year’s letter to President Petro Poroshenko

George Woloshyn: Is Yalta II possible under President Trump?

George Woloshyn: Ukraine and the spring offensive

George Woloshyn: Skunk at the garden party

George Woloshyn: Time for a reset

George Woloshyn: Facing a new reality in Ukraine

George Woloshyn: Homeland defense

George Woloshyn: Neither Greek nor Roman

George Woloshyn: The Singapore challenge (part 2)

George Woloshyn: The Singapore challenge

George Woloshyn: Anti-corruption czar?

George Woloshyn: Ukraine as an exporter of peace

George Woloshyn: Polls, conclusions and sentiments

George Woloshyn: The fat lady from Minsk

George Woloshyn: Poroshenko must not cave on Donbas

George Woloshyn: Throwing Ukrainians under the bus

George Woloshyn: The New Jerusalem

George Woloshyn: The strange case of ‘Child 44’

George Woloshyn: If Ukraine fails, so does Europe

George Woloshyn: Putin’s worst nightmare

George Woloshyn: Arming Ukraine is the diplomatic solution

George Woloshyn: Time to act SWIFTly

George Woloshyn: How Russia lost the war

George Woloshyn: Betrayal at Munich?

George Woloshyn: Take the fight to the enemy

George Woloshyn: 10 months into World War III

George Woloshyn: If you want peace, prepare for war

George Woloshyn: Europe’s Maginot Line

George Woloshyn: Putin’s scorecard

George Woloshyn: An open letter to Obama on 1994 Budapest Memorandum

George Woloshyn: Time for MAD-lite

George Woloshyn: Facing up to the 30-year war ahead

George Woloshyn: Time to take names?

George Woloshyn: Open letter to Madame Le Pen

George Woloshyn: Secure Ukraine’s borders…now!

President of Donbas or entire nation?

Corruption in perspective

Ihor Smeshko: The man in the iron mask

NATO membership is a last chance

‘Orange’ coalition fatigue: Political fighting only diminishes nation’s standing abroad

NATO is Ukraine’s best option

No need to overestimate Russian military might

Lessons from a forgotten winter war

The patriarch’s new clothes

The patriarch’s new clothes

Lessons from a forgotten winter war

No need to overestimate Russian military might

‘Orange’ coalition fatigue: Political fighting only diminishes nation’s standing abroad

NATO membership is a last chance for Yushchenko to salvage legacy

Americans do everything on Internet

NATO is Ukraine’s best option